We are an inter-disciplinary lab. We use methods borrowed from exact sciences to address fundamental questions in biology. We are seeking highly-motivated, curious and creative MSc, PhD and post-docs candidates. As an interdisciplinary lab we accept candidates from diverse backgrounds. However, applicants should have good quantitative skills and knowledge of a programming language.
Current open positions are to research the evolution of “self-incompatibility”: a genomic mechanism plants have evolved to avoid self-fertilization. The research will use a variety of tools, such as: mathematical modeling, computer simulations and genomic data analysis.
Specific positions currently available:
1. MSc position: applicants should be familiar with programming (preferentially Python or Matlab, but other languages could work too), have good quantitative skills and keen interest in basic research.
2. PhD / post-doc position: Applicants should have a prior degree in either mathematics, physics, computer science, engineering, or related field. Priority will be given to candidates with background in stochastic processes or in population genetics. Prior background in evolutionary biology is an advantage, but not a must. Good programming skills (preferentially Matlab or Python). The research will include both simulative-applied aspects pertaining to the empirical study of realistic models for the evolution of plants reproductive systems, and stochastic theoretical aspects pertaining to the study of stationary distributions and scaling limits of Markov process, involving stochastic differential equations and related to information theory and large deviations theory.
This project will be co-supervised together with Prof. Ohad Noy Feldheim from the Einstein Institute of Mathematics in the Hebrew University.
A competitive scholarship will be offered.
For any enquiries please send an email to tamar.friedlander@mail.huji.ac.il
To apply please send your CV + transcripts + names of 2 references (only for PhD/postdoc) and briefly explain why you are interested in the lab.
Interested, but unsure? feel free to contact Tamar for further information.